Dr Low will work closely with you to develop a tailored program to have you back on your game as soon as possible.
After an injury and in collaboration with you, Dr Low will help you develop a return to sport/exercise program to prevent recurrence of an injury.
An example includes a graduated return to running program after a stress fracture in the foot or shin splints. The program would involve gradually increasing the distances run each week and the intensity they are run at. Also the surface being run on would change possibly starting from pool running, progressing to grass and then road/concrete.
Bones, tendons and ligaments like to adapt slowly to change and so it's important you get your graduated return to activity program right to avoid recurrence of the injury.
Every patient is different and a tailored program needs to be developed to consider all aspects of your condition, age and activity.
Make an appointment with Dr Low today to so we can start your journey to recovery and get you back to sport and exercise as soon as possible. NO GP REFERRAL REQUIRED.